Dental Lexi-Drugs is the most comprehensive database of dental drug information. Drug monographs address over 8000 medications, OTCs, and herbal products in this resource designed especially for dental professionals.
Dental Lexi-Drugs provides mobile access to Lexicomp trusted, continually-updated point-of-care content. Each monograph in the Dental Lexi-Drugs database contains up to 38 fields of information, including the following fields of interest:
Notice: The Lexicomp Mobile App may transfer a significant amount of data which could result in charges from your carrier. We recommend that you utilize an unlimited data plan or connect to a Wi-Fi network when installing or updating this product. Please contact your carrier for assistance with your data plan or with utilizing a Wi-Fi connection.
Notice: The Lexicomp Mobile App may transfer a significant amount of data which could result in charges from your carrier. We recommend that you utilize an unlimited data plan or connect to a Wi-Fi network when installing or updating this product. Please contact your carrier for assistance with your data plan or with utilizing a Wi-Fi connection.
Requires Android 2.0 and up
Google Play Store Access
Size 2.0GB
Notice: The Lexicomp Mobile App may transfer a significant amount of data which could result in charges from your carrier. We recommend that you utilize an unlimited data plan or connect to a Wi-Fi network when installing or updating this product. Please contact your carrier for assistance with your data plan or with utilizing a Wi-Fi connection.